Hi Dev, It's Me

Phani Chaitanya

And I'm a

I'm an AI Engineer/Student with over 2 years of hands-on experience in crafting cutting-edge deep learning models. I'm deeply passionate about pushing the boundaries of robotics by developing humanoid robots and integrating advanced AI, striving to make them truly autonomous and intelligent.

More About Me
Phani Chaitanya

My Skills

Technical Skills


Professional Skills

Problem Solving
Team Work

Frameworks Used

Computer Vision
Ros 2

Softwares Known

Fusion 360

My Projects

All Categories
All Categories
Computer Vision
Deep Learning (Images)
Deep Learning (Audio)
Generative AI
Object Detection
Reinforcement Learning
Image Localization

Image Localization and Classification

Imagine a model that not only identifies but also pinpoints the location of everyday objects like an AC, fan, or stove! This powerful localization model offers precise object detection, enhancing everyday applications with advanced capabilities.

Image Captioning

Image Captioning

Explore a model that generates descriptive captions for images, bridging the gap between visual content and natural language. This project demonstrates how AI can understand and describe the content of an image, making it easier to interpret and share visual information.

MNIST Genrator

MNIST Digit Generator (GAN)

My project features a cutting-edge Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that generates realistic handwritten digits ranging from 0 to 9. Trained on the widely-used MNIST dataset, the model excels in producing accurate and high-quality new images.

Pose Estimation

Pose Estimation using MediaPipe

The app developed using MediaPipe library to estimate the pose of a human in real-time. Post estimation can be used with webcam to capture the video feed and then processes it for various applications like augmented reality, fitness, and gaming.

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Emotion Detection

Emotion Detection using CNN

I developed a categorical classification model using a own cnn architecture to detect different emotions of humans.The model was trained on FER dataset taken from kaggle.

IMDB Sentiment Analysis

IMDB Sentiment Analysis

I've developed a natural language processing model designed to classify movie reviews as either positive or negative. Trained on the renowned IMDB dataset, the model excels in accurately categorizing new reviews.

Categorical Classification

Food CNN Classification

I developed a categorical classification model using a own cnn architecture to classify different types of foods.The model was trained on a diverse dataset of labeled images containing pizza, burger, ice cream, samosa and sushi.

MNIST Classification

MNIST Classification

I've built a robust categorical classification model specifically designed to recognize handwritten digits spanning from 0 to 9. Leveraging the well-known MNIST dataset, this model achieves remarkable accuracy in correctly identifying new images.

Binary Classification

Bird Binary Classification

I developed a binary classification model using a convolutional neural network to distinguish between parrots and sparrows. The model was trained on a diverse dataset of labeled images, achieving high accuracy in classifying new bird images correctly.

Email / SMS Spam Classifier

Email / SMS Spam Classifier

Ever received suspicious emails or texts? My project uses AI (nlp) to distinguish between spam and legitimate messages with high accuracy. Its Streamlit interface makes it easy for anyone to check message credibility instantly.

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Contact Me

Let's work together

Feel free to reach out to me for any queries or collaborations.
I'm always open to new opportunities and challenges.

  • phanichaitanya63@gmail.com
  • Bhimavaram, India
  • Verify your gmail to send message

    About Me

    About Me

    Who am I?

    I'm a passionate AI Engineer with over 2 years of hands-on experience in crafting cutting-edge deep learning models.
    I'm deeply passionate about pushing the boundaries of robotics by developing humanoid robots and integrating advanced AI, striving to make them truly autonomous and intelligent.

    What do I do?

    I'm currently working on Robotics Projects in my Under graduation, where I'm developing humanoid robots and integrating advanced AI and reinforcement learning to make them truly autonomous and intelligent. I'm also a freelance AI Engineer, where I work on various projects related to deep learning and computer vision.

    Why choose me?

    I'm a highly motivated and creative individual who is always looking for new opportunities and challenges. I'm deeply passionate about AI and robotics and I'm always looking for ways to push the boundaries of what's possible. I'm also a great team player and I love working with others to achieve a common goal.